We improve the collaboration between citizens and municipalities.
With Meldmi, you can easily report problems in your community and help make your neighborhood an even better place.
How it works
Create report
Create a report about a problem in your area.
Community participation
Others can see, comment on, and support your reports – the more support, the higher the priority.
Track progress
See how your concerns are being addressed and receive updates on progress.
Problem solved
Local authorities access the reports, prioritize them, and update their status as they are resolved.
Our mission
What drives us and what Meldmi aims to achieve.
- Promote citizen participation
- Citizens should be able to actively participate in decision-making processes and contribute their opinions and ideas.
- Increase efficiency
- The administrative effort for local authorities should be reduced through targeted and structured problem reports.
- Deepen cohesion
- The sense of community and collaboration between citizens and authorities should be strengthened.
- Increase transparency
- Stay informed about the status of your reports and see in real time how the problems in your area are being solved.
- Minimize response times
- Your reports help to solve problems faster, as local authorities are informed immediately and can react in a targeted manner.
- Promote satisfaction
- Increase citizen satisfaction by taking their concerns seriously and processing them promptly.
The Community Effect
The more people use Meldmi, the better the collaboration between citizens and authorities becomes. Together, we can ensure that our neighborhoods remain pleasant and safe places. Every improvement suggestion, report, and solution brings us one step closer to a more livable environment.
Join Meldmi and be part of the solution. Together we can do this – one improvement suggestion at a time.
Do you want to use Meldmi in your community?
If you work in the administration of a municipality or city and want to use Meldmi in your community, please contact us. We are happy to help you.